REVEALED: Gay Man Exposes Tyler Perry As GAY

A popular internet celebrity named WALTER HAMPTON made BIG news in the BLACK GAY COMMUNITY last week when he OUTED Tyler Perry – who he claimed has been a friend for years. He claims that when he FIRST met Tyler – Mr Madea was a FLAMBOYANT GAY MAN. And that once Tyler started getting famous he began living in the closet because Tyler's scared of losing his Black Church following.

Big news right. Well then . . . mysteriously . . . he was BRUTALLY ATTACKED. His face was SLASHED and so was his arm. It's not clear what happened to Walter . . . but we wish him a speedy recovery.

According to Walter Hampton:

"Years ago TYLER PERRY and I were CLOSE FRIENDS. Tyler Perry actively involved in the BLACK GAY COMMUNITY. But after FAME & FORTUNE …Tyler Perry no longer IDENTIFIED as a BLACK GAY MAN! and abandoned the Black Gay Community!..WHY?….Well I tell you what he told me as to why he did not want ANYONE to know he was A BLACK GAY MAN!"

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