World's First Female Masturbation Game Is Launched To 'Educate Women'

One woman is hoping to dispel the taboo of female masturbation by creating a light-hearted app teaching women to have fun with the topic.

New York-based designer Tina Gong has created the app, a game named HappyPlayTime, as a fun way for people to 'learn techniques and facts about getting off'.

HappyPlayTime seeks to rebrand the entire concept of female masturbation through education, light-hearted games and cartoons.

A new app named HappyPlayTime hopes to make women feel more comfortable learning and talking about masturbation

Currently in development, the app's games hope to teach women all about female anatomy and give them thoughtful and fun lessons on masturbation techniques.

Speaking to Gamification, Tina explained that her app goes back to rebranding our preconceived notions about masturbation.

She explained: 'Teaching an anatomy lesson with a mission to educate about female masturbation is too much of a serious topic when taught in the traditional education model and it is difficult to separate the idea of empowering females to masturbate from a feminist perspective.

'The app's approach to education involves a quick demonstration of different masturbation techniques for each level, followed by a freestyle portion that has the player perform each technique on the mascot.

The app's games hope to teach women all about female anatomy and give them thoughtful and fun lessons on masturbation techniques.
'Completion of each level builds up to a fantastically funny and wacky climax upon completion.'

She hopes that by downloading, playing and sharing her game with their friends (and having a few laughs along the way), the inherent taboo surrounding the subject can be dispelled.

*I am sure millions of Nigerian babes will download the game when it is completed.. Hehe*