MARCA Publication Blasts Chelsea Manager, Jose Mourinho

This is not the first time Madrid controlled Spanish newspaper, MARCA is publishing damning reports about Jose Mourinho, so I'm not surprised.

Here is what MARCA said about the Chelsea boss:

Sharp-tongued linguist José Mourinho just can't stop hurling out abuse. He takes up his position, takes aim and fires, unleashing fury with every word that comes out of his mouth. Having felt his wrath before, no wonder Casillas simply said "next question" when quizzed about Mou's latest soundbite.

The Portuguese firmly believes that the world hangs on his every word. He thinks football needs to hear what he thinks and sees it necessary to generate awe or amazement.

Mourinho wants to be the centre of attention in all the search engines, on all the TV screens and in everything printed in the newspapers.

When he was at Real Madrid, he was always in the news. The world's attention was grabbed by whether he spoke or not, or if he was angry or happy. Now he's back in England he is not in the limelight so much. He is at a club which is not the centre of the world, which is hard to take for someone who is so full of himself. This is why he comes out with strange comments. He needs everyone to know he still exists.

Mourinho was unable to handle Real and so he now launches a verbal attack from time to time, like a distraught ex-lover. His behaviour resembles the fable of The Fox and the Grapes, but everyone knows it was him who let down Real and not the other way round. Mou can say what he wants, but he will always be 'The Resentful One'.
