Police Quiz Missing Banker’s Colleagues

Where is Mrs Bukola Olowookere, the bank worker, who has not been seen since she was allegedly dropped off close to her home last Thursday night by some colleagues?.

This is the puzzle the police are trying to unravel in a bid to end the mystery over her disappearance.

The police have interrogated the colleagues, who dropped her at Canoe Bus stop in Oke-Afa, Isolo, Lagos, around 8.30pm of that fateful day.

The 33-year-old Mrs Olowookere and her three colleagues in the car work at Ecobank. She works at the Bourdillon, Ikoyi branch of the bank.

With her were Bayo Ogunrinyo, Henry Ejimofo, who are in her branch, and Itar Mukhtar, a senior colleague from another branch, who drove the car.

Ogunrinyo was said to have alighted at Oshodi; Mrs Olowookere dropped at Canoe Bus stop; the others, who live in Ikotun, drove on.
Mrs Olowookere’s elder brother Mr Seyi Ogundolie said the police have quizzed her colleagues.
Ogundolie said he learnt about his sister’s fate late in the night of last Thursday.
“We initially reported the matter to Ejigbo Police Station but since we needed them to move fast on it, we were transferred from Ejigbo to the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) Ikeja headquarters.

“They are doing their investigations. They have called her colleagues for questioning – those that claimed to have dropped her off. So, we are waiting for further update from them,” he said.

Ogundolie, who hails from Ondo State, said he spoke with his sister last Wednesday.

Their discussion, he said, bordered on changing the lesson teacher of her four-year-old son, who the school bus usually drops at the Ogundolies home in Jakande Estate after closing.

He said: “Our conversation was less than three minutes. My wife called me because her son stays at our place till evening. The school bus drops him at our place in Jakande Estate and his father picks him up in the evening between 6:30 and 7:30 because he gets home earlier than his wife. Prior to this time, her son used to have a female teacher and I think the female teacher left the school, so she found her son a male teacher. When my wife told me, I told her (Mrs Olowookere) I cannot entertain a male teacher because I have two daughters and two other girls living with me and we cannot always be at home because a male teacher wants to come around. 

With the female teacher, our doors are always opened. That was what I told her that day and she said she would do something about it. She did not sound troubled throughout our conversation.”

He described his sister’s disappearance as disturbing, adding: “The first question I asked her husband is if he did not quarrel with his wife and maybe she went to our parents’ house. But it was so late in the night when I got the call. When I asked him if they quarrelled and he said no. I spoke with their pastor in the morning and he said their relationship is better than it used to be that they don’t suspect that there was a quarrel. We went as far as going to my parents’ house early the next morning. She wasn’t there when I went there as early as 6am and as at then, we have not had any clear picture of what happened to her the night before until much more later when we got the phone numbers of those she was in the vehicle with.

“She works with Bourdillon branch of the bank. They were four people in the vehicle including her. She was the only female. According to what I was told, I cannot say she was the one that was dropped off last but she was the only one that was dropped off that nobody can attest to the fact that she was dropped aside the other two guys in the car because one of the colleagues alighted at Oshodi and he is the one that usually brings her home anytime she misses the staff bus. 

He drops her at Cele bus stop because she lives at Okota. He (Ogunrinyo) was the one that told us that as at when he was alighting at Oshodi, Bukola was still in the vehicle and the other colleague (Ejimofo) who was in the car aside the driver (Mukhtar) also confirmed that he was dropped at Oshodi and that they were the ones that dropped Bukola at Canoe bus stop. That is as far as we know. The other two guys were heading to Ikotun because we were told that they live in Ikotun.”

Culled -Thenation