Jimcaddy's Diary- Girls In The Hotel

Welcome to another episode of Jimcaddy's Diary..
My first story, How My Passion For Writing Came To Be, generated a lot of rave reviews, some even criticized, but I took them on the chin because criticism is part of what builds an individual.

Girls In The Hotel is the topic for this installment. My choice for this topic stems from the encounter I had way back in 2011.
2011 proved to be such a memorable year for me because a lot really happened, and I encountered a lot in that particular year.
Girls are created to be naturally beautiful by God Almighty. When He created Adam way back in time, He had to create Eve to be Adam's companion.
Eve was supposed to be beautiful, supportive of Adam, but it turned out that Eve became the cause of Adam's downfall.
The interpretation above is what is going to be the bedrock to my story, Girls In The Hotel.
Sometime in December 2011, I remember vividly, the week of Monday 12th to Friday 16th.
I was scheduled by my NYSC Place of Primary Assignment (PPA), alongside other members of staff, including all of my NYSC colleagues, to proceed to Lekki, for a field assignment at a week-long seminar.
I was sort of reluctant because it was the first day at work. Without prior notice, we resumed, and on getting to the office, we were asked to go back home to get our things and inform our parents that we won't be coming back home until the weekend.
I felt disgusted at the company.
My colleagues and I immediately began to secretly make discordant tunes, but no one heard us, our grumbling died inside of us because we had little or no choice than to obey the instruction.
We went back home, got our things and assembled back at the office, where a car was waiting to take us to Lekki.
On getting to Lekki, we proceeded straight to the seminar venue, and we began work in earnest. But the seminar organizers were almost through for the day, because we arrived in Lekki very late that day.
We had to pack up almost immediately we got there. It was one hell of a day, I was extremely tired. I couldn't wait to lay my head on the bed.
Our team leader had to look for a hotel not too far away from the seminar venue, because we had to be there as early as 6.45am the following day, and throughout the week.
Luckily, we got a guest house. A very cozy one, just along the street leading to the venue of the seminar.
It was a really nice private guest house. Just along the street adjacent to the Palms Shopping Mall in Lekki. Those conversant with the Lekki area of Lagos State will know the particular private guest house I'm talking about.
We finally lodged in there on Monday 12th of December at around 6pm.
The air conditioner was put on, and I just lay my head on the bed savoring the cool air blowing through my head.
I took a 45-minute nap, when I woke, I ate my plate of rice and chicken.
As soon as I was done with the food, I opened the door to our room, to throw away the empty food pack in the main trash bin just outside by the corridor.
At that moment, something befell my two eyes.
I was in shock, as the room opposite ours was filled with girls numbering about seven. The room door was open, so I could see the girls, most of them unclad, and thick wisps of cigarette smoke filtering out of their room.
Their room door closed immediately they figured out that I was peeping inside their room.
In my mind, I was like this Lekki adventure is going to be interesting.
When I got back to our room, I discussed what I saw with my other colleagues, and they became interested in what the girls' mission in the hotel was.
Little did we know that out of the 5 or 6 rooms in the private guest house, just two of the rooms belonged to us, the remaining were all filled up with girls.
The next morning we all woke up as early as 5.30am, we had our baths and headed straight to the seminar venue to continue our exercise.
It was on a Tuesday, the day crawled by, as I was getting into the nitty gritty of what my mission in the company was. We were schooled on our respective job description by our team leader.
We did a lot that day, and when it was time to go home, I was exhausted as usual.
Sluggishly, we packed up all our computers, and dragged them back to our private guest house.
I noticed that on getting to the hotel, there were some cars parked outside, with men old enough to be married inside those cars with young girls of about 18-24 years old.
My adventure in Lekki was getting really interesting. On getting to the door of our hotel room, we discovered that our team leader forgot the keys to our room in the room of our other female colleagues downstairs, so we had to wait for him.
Then once again, the room opposite ours opened, with the girls making a whole lot of noise inside, and it was time for my other colleagues to witness what I witnessed the previous day.
Girls semi-nude paraded the room, with cigarette smoke mixed with alcohol filtering out once again.
Their room was so dingy and they didn't seem to care.
Their mission in the hotel was still unknown.
I went downstairs to fetch our room key from the team leader, and came back upstairs to open the door for us to pack our computers inside the room.
Our team leader later joined us in the middle of our discussion and speculation on what we all saw moments earlier.
We told him about what we saw, he just had a wry smile on his face and summoned us to get ready to go to Shoprite Mall to get what we were going to eat for dinner.
We strolled to Shoprite, got what we were going to eat, and returned to the hotel.
When we got back, our team leader locked the room and held the key. Obviously to prevent any of us from sneaking out in the middle of the night to 'relate' with those girls we saw.
He obviously didn't trust us, because we were new to the company and we being corpers made it more difficult.
The next day, we woke up early as usual, went to carry out our field assignment and came back. Then we began to see the real identity of those girls in the hotel, as they began to troop out one by one to chill outside their rooms, having drinks and gisting.
These were very young girls of about 18-24 years old. Surely in the first year or second year in the university.
They were very young, and that was what caught my attention.
I began to wonder what they were doing in the hotel room instead of being in school or worst still at home.
My curiosity was satisfied some few hours later when different young men started trooping in the various rooms at around 8.30pm.
In a particular room downstairs, one of the girls came out to order for a plate of food obviously for her hustling, hungry 'boyfriend'.
When she opened the door to the room, I saw a guy in the room, the look on his face was very stern, as he had an earring on. My first thought was that he was a 'Yahoo Boy'. I don't know why that thought came, but it did.
And the girl that brought the food for him was looking so young and so innocent.
Then I began to add up my thoughts and what I witnessed to deduce that those girls came to the hotel to have 'fun' with those different guys, obviously on the payroll of those guys.
It seemed strange and weird, as I have never seen this kind of flagrant disregard for womanhood in my entire life.
For a moment, I took a good look at the manager of the hotel, as quiet as he looked, he didn't seem to bother about the questionable mission of those young girls in the hotel, so far as the money kept flowing in, who cared?
On Thursday, the 15th of December, the shock of our lives came when our team leader and I quickly rushed back to our room from the seminar venue to get something, and on opening the door to our room, we saw a used condom on the floor of our room.
Something that wasn't there in the morning when we left the room.
Our room was definitely used for a quick 'shag' in our absence and the 'shagger' and the 'shaggee' didn't deem it fit enough to dispose off the used condom properly.
Visibly riled by the development, our team leader accosted the hotel manager for explanation on how the used condom managed to sneak itself into our room.
But the manager had to mumble some few excuses, and made us believe that the condom had been there, but we didn't notice. (We all obviously were suffering from conjunctivitis at that time was what the manager was trying to tell us)
We had to let the incident slide, as our time in the hotel was gradually winding down.
At that moment, I needed no sooth-sayer to tell me what goes on at the hotel and what these young girls were up to, and what their mission in the hotel was.
The next day, being a Friday, our time at the hotel was up, and we left them to their fate.
It is very sad the way young girls of nowadays have little or no respect for dignity and womanhood.
Sex so much sells these days, and managers of hotels and guest houses smile to the bank at the expense of immorality.
Normally, I wouldn't bother, but like I stressed, what really caught my attention was that those girls I saw were very young.
It was like sex slavery or child abuse, I should say.
Indulging in all sorts of immorality at such a young age makes me begin weep for the future of our country Nigeria.
Women are supposed to be seen as virtuous women in the future, but those young girls I saw turned out to be women of easy virtues as they lost all sense of decorum.
Money has become the root of all evil as some girls worship it with all their might, as if it were their god.
Some girls don't know how to overcome peer pressure. Our universities, be it private, federal or state, which are supposed to be citadels of learning, has now become a place where you either 'get rich, or die trying'.
The country too has not helped matters, as our so-called politicians don't seem to care about improving the lives of its citizenry, but rather enriching themselves at the expense of our future.
But that is not to say that we should not build our lives on the principles of good morals and the fear of God.
I am strongly of the opinion that girls must learn to be independent and do things on their own.
Depending on guys for virtually everything will lead to disrespect, abuse and rejection, eventually.
Most guys have this mind set that with money, a woman can be at his beck and call and he can do what ever he wants, and get away with it, after all he is the one providing the money and paying her bills.
I laugh hard when I hear some girls childishly say, 'I need a guy who can pay my bills.'
Wisdom comes from above, a girl's dignity must be maintained and preserved at all costs.
Sex shouldn't be a tool used to gratify a 'boyfriend' who can 'pay her bills'.
Sex should be a tool used wisely for God's purpose.
Girls should learn to be contented with what they have and strive to make it in life.
An unknown fact is that a guy can never and will never treat as crap, a girl who is hard-working and can survive on her own.
I was privileged to read super bloggers, Linda Ikeji and Emeh Achanga's stories at one point, and I must say, without any form of bias, that I respect these women anytime, any day, because these are women every man MUST have respect for.
Their lifestyles should be a case study for young women out there to follow.
This concludes another episode of Jimcaddy's Diary.
I hope you all learnt something? Stay tuned for more episodes as times goes on.