The production team behind the 007 film franchise announced that Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig will definitely reunite for the 24th Bond film, after the phenomenal success of Skyfall, the last entry in the series. Their participation was much rumoured, despite Mendes originally turning down the offer to direct back in March this year. Craig is contracted to act in at least two more Bond films. Scriptwriter John Logan will also be returning.
In a statement, Mendes said: "I am very pleased that by giving me the time I need to honour all my theatre commitments, the producers have made it possible for me to direct Bond 24. I very much look forward to taking up the reins again, and to working with Daniel Craig, Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli for a second time." Mendes has just seen his stage production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory open in London's West End, and it was this that had been the principal obstacle to his involvement.
Bond 24's lead producers Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli said: "Following the extraordinary success of Skyfall, we're really excited to be working once again with Daniel Craig, Sam Mendes and John Logan."
Skyfall achieved unprecedented commercial success for a Bond film, taking $1.1bn at the worldwide box office, becoming the highest grossing of all the Bond franchise over its 50 years of existence, and the highest grossing film of all time in the UK. It was nominated for five Oscars and won two, including best original song for Adele Adkins and Paul Epworth.
No details of the new film's content have been announced, although it has been reported that Penélope Cruz will have a significant role.
The release date is also confirmed as 23 October 2015 for the UK and 6 November 6 2015 for the US.
The production team behind the 007 film franchise announced that Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig will definitely reunite for the 24th Bond film, after the phenomenal success of Skyfall, the last entry in the series. Their participation was much rumoured, despite Mendes originally turning down the offer to direct back in March this year. Craig is contracted to act in at least two more Bond films. Scriptwriter John Logan will also be returning.
In a statement, Mendes said: "I am very pleased that by giving me the time I need to honour all my theatre commitments, the producers have made it possible for me to direct Bond 24. I very much look forward to taking up the reins again, and to working with Daniel Craig, Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli for a second time." Mendes has just seen his stage production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory open in London's West End, and it was this that had been the principal obstacle to his involvement.
Bond 24's lead producers Michael G Wilson and Barbara Broccoli said: "Following the extraordinary success of Skyfall, we're really excited to be working once again with Daniel Craig, Sam Mendes and John Logan."
Skyfall achieved unprecedented commercial success for a Bond film, taking $1.1bn at the worldwide box office, becoming the highest grossing of all the Bond franchise over its 50 years of existence, and the highest grossing film of all time in the UK. It was nominated for five Oscars and won two, including best original song for Adele Adkins and Paul Epworth.
No details of the new film's content have been announced, although it has been reported that Penélope Cruz will have a significant role.
The release date is also confirmed as 23 October 2015 for the UK and 6 November 6 2015 for the US.