Former President Olusegun Obasanjo Slams Goodluck Jonathan

Former President, Olusegun Obasanjo has finally made known his frustration over the way the nation is been run by the current administration of President Goodluck Jonathan.

According to Premium Times, a copy of the letter allegedly written by the former President to President Goodluck Jonathan, accusing him of ineptitude as well as embarking on several actions aimed at destroying the peace of the nation was obtained from a reliable source on Tuesday.

According to Obasanjo, as stated in the 18- page letter, "Nigeria is bleeding and the hemorrhage must be stopped,"

In the letter titled " Before it's too late" Obasanjo blamed Mr. Jonathan for failing to deliver on his promises to the people, his failure to stem corruption, as well as his inability to curb insecurity in the country.

He said that, instead of taking steps to advance Nigeria's interest and improve on standards of living , Jonathan had made personal interest and ambition his priority, neglecting the people and God who brought him to power.

In a well written letter, an indication of Obasanjo's concern for the drifting system, he lamented that Mr. Jonathan had become extremely divisive and clannish, and was at the verge of destroying his own party, dividing the country along regional and religious lines as well as making caricature of Nigeria among other nations.

Obasanjo asserted that, Mr. President's personal ambition of running for a second term was responsible for the destruction of the PDP, hence Tukur alone must not bear the burden.

"It would be unfair to continue to level full blames on the Chairman (Tukur) for all that goes wrong with the party," Mr. Obasanjo said.

"The chairman is playing the tune dictated by the paymaster (Jonathan). But the paymaster is acting for a definitive purpose for which deceit and deception seem to be the major ingredients.

"Up till two months ago, Mr. President, you told me that you have not told anybody that you would contest in 2015. I quickly pointed out to you that the signs and the measures on the ground do not tally with your statement. You said the same to one other person who shared his observation with me. And only a fool would believe that statement you made to me judging by what is going on. I must say it is not ingenious. You may wish to pursue a more credible and more honourable path."

Obj said that Mr. Jonathan had agreed before him, governors and party stakeholders that he was only running for a single term, affirming that his refusal to keep that promise cast him as a man without honour.

He said that it would be "fatally morally flawed" for Mr. Jonathan to contest in 2015.

"As a leader, two things you must cherish and hold dear among others are trust and honour both of which are important ingredients of character. I will want to see anyone in the Office of the Presidency of Nigeria as a man or woman who can be trusted, a person of honour in his words and character."

Mr. Obasanjo further accused Jonathan of dinning with the opposition, and supporting candidates of the opposition in some states to include; Lagos, Ondo, Edo and Anambra states at the detriment of his own party's candidates, and creating problems among party members.

Obasanjo further blamed Jonathan for failing to address the main cause of the Boko Haram menace, urging Mr. Jonathan to adopt a carrot and stick approach in dealing with the insurgency

He said, "conventional military actions based on standard phases of military operations alone will not permanently and effectively deal with the issue of Boko Haram".

He asserted further that, "For you to allow yourself to be "possessed", so to say, to the exclusion of most of the rest of Nigerians as an "Ijaw man" is a mistake that should never have been allowed to happen. Yes, you have to be born in one part of Nigeria to be Nigerian if not naturalized, but the Nigerian President must be above ethnic factionalism. And those who prop you up as of, and for 'Ijaw nation' are not your friends genuinely, not friends of Nigeria nor friends of 'Ijaw nation' they tout about.

"To allow or tacitly encourage people of 'Ijaw nation' to throw insults on other Nigerians from other parts of the country and threaten fire and brimstone to protect your interest as an Ijaw man is myopic and your not openly quieting them is even more unfortunate.

Accusing Jonathan of training some snipers to stand in for him in 2015, obj said, Mr. Jonathan was placing over 1000 Nigerians on political watch list, a situation, he said was not different from Abacha's.

"Presidential assistance for a murderer to evade justice and presidential delegation to welcome him home can only be in bad taste generally but particularly to the family of his victim," Mr. Obasanjo said.

"Assisting criminals to evade justice cannot be part of the job of the presidency. Or, as it is viwed in some quarters, is he being recruited to do for you what he had done for Abacha in the past? Hopefully, he should have learned his lesson. Let us continue to watch."

"This allegation will not fly away by non-action, cover-up, denial or bribing possible investigators," Mr. Obasanjo told the President. "Please deal with this allegation transparently and let the truth be known.

"The dramatis personae in this allegation and who they are working for will one day be public knowledge. Those who know are watching if the National Assembly will not be accomplice in the heinous crime and naked grand corruption. May God grant you the grace for at least one effective corrective action against high corruption which seems to stink all around you in your government."

He said the letter was written just for the best interest of the country, as he was ready to confront issues or attacks the letter could generate from the presidency, since he would always stand by the truth, especially at this very age of his life.

Source: Premium Times