Business Executives Academy London Strategic Leadership And Management Workshop August 2014

Business Executives Academy London Strategic Leadership And Management Workshop August 2014

Strategic Leadership and Management International Workshop: 25th-29th August, 2014
Venue: London, United Kingdom

Workshop Overview

The success of any organization depends on developing and implementing an effective strategy. For this to happen appropriate strategic leadership is needed at different levels in the business. However, all too often strategic and business planning becomes an exercises consisting of extrapolating current activities into the future and hoping for the best with little overall leadership being provided.
With ever increasingly challenging business environments, increased competition, technological change, rapidly increasing customer expectations such passive, traditional approaches are unlikely to ensure success. Recent research (from Stanford University and London School of Economics) has confirmed that good strategic leadership and management is directly linked to improved corporate performance measured in terms of profitability, growth and survival.

Such leadership focuses on:

i) Setting robust strategic goals and targets;
ii) Ensuring people's responsibilities and work are aligned to these goals and;
iii) Measuring strategic results.
In this workshop, delegates will learn practical principles and concepts that will enhance their capacity for strategic analysis, planning and the execution of strategic plans.
This workshop offers proven methods to develop a strategic plan for an organization, or any part of an organization that may require to set a strategic direction. The topics covered will help those who are either directly responsible for developing plans or those people who want to expand their perspective and understanding of strategy’s impact on their work lives and the success of their organization. It is designed to provide a perspective and vocabulary about strategy that enables participants to constructively support the strategic direction of the organization and set the goals of the organization.

Workshop Objectives

Participants attending this workshop will:

 Understand the nature and importance of strategic management and their leadership role in the strategy process·

 Expand their ability to contribute to the strategy formulation in their own organization·

 Understand the strategy vocabulary·

 Understand how to apply a range of tools available for strategic analysis to address both external and internal pressures for change·

 Analyse the competitive environment and their organization’s position in it·

 Analyse the core competencies and their organization’s basis for competitive advantage·

 Apply the tools available for developing strategic options·

 Develop a strategic road map for their organization·

Workshop Approach

 An interactive and “hands on approach” to learning·

 Case studies of Best Practice organizations.·

 Input from the personal experiences of the seminar leader.·

 Group discussion and case study·

Benefits to your Organization

 Thinking strategically about your organization’s present and future.·

 Identify strategically important issues and opportunities.·

 Interpret and identify the strategic implications affecting the organization now and likely to impact on the organization’s future.·

 Clearly articulating a strategic vision and a statement of strategic intent. Your skills in translating strategic vision into a clear roadmap for the organization/ unit / team’s future.·

Benefits to You

 Analytical strategic thinking.·

 Strategic visioning and articulating plausible futures for an organization, unit or team.·

 Communicating strategic intent and a strategic roadmap.·

 Effective implementation planning.·

 Structuring effective strategic teams and systems.·

 Balancing the demands for performance and strategic longer-term success.·

Indicative Workshop Agenda

Session 1 – Why Strategy Is Essential for Success

 The pressures for better strategic performance§

 What is strategy/strategic planning?§

 Understanding the strategic vocabulary§

 Current strategic thinking in your own organization§

Session 2 - Strategic Analysis and Review

 Understanding our current strategic position§

 Understanding our stakeholders and customers§

 Understanding our competitors§

 Understanding the strategic environment in which we operate§

 Understanding our own performance§

 Completing a SWOT analysis§

Session 3 - Setting Strategic Direction

 The importance of vision and mission and destination statements§

 Setting long term strategic goals§

 Developing a strategy road map§

 Strategic Change management in a dynamic environment§

Session 4 - Monitoring Strategic Performance

 Agreeing key performance indicators (KPIs) for the strategy§

 Deciding what to measure – using the strategy map§

 Deciding how to measure – agreeing KPIs§

 Setting performance targets§

Session 5 – Review and what’s next

 Leadership styles and Strategic Leading for long term success§

 Action planning: translating these ideas into future practice§

 Deciding what’s next – cascading strategy throughout the organization§

Our training consultants


This seminar will be run by Mik Wisniewski, and Femi Olekanma our senior training consultants.
In addition to a background of almost 40 years’ experience of management training and development, Mik has considerable expertise in the areas of strategy, business planning and performance measurement in both the public and private sectors.
In the private sector, he has worked with British Energy, British Gas, Babcock Rosyth, Coopers & Lybrand, General Accident, Greggs Plc, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Scottish Nuclear Ltd, Shell UK Exploration, Scottish Power, Weir Pumps and Yarrow Shipbuilders. He has also worked extensively with a variety of public sector organizations including a number of local authorities, the health service and central government agencies. These include Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Natural Heritage, the Ministry of Justice, the Scottish Police Services Agency, Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary (Scotland), Her Majesty’s Inspector of Education (Scotland), Department for Education and Science, Inland Revenue, Land and Property Services Agency Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland Housing Executive, the Department of Regional and Local Government Namibia, and the Prime Minister’s Office Brunei Darussalam.
As well as working across much of Europe, Mik has also worked in Africa, Asia and the Gulf region.
He is the author and co-author of a number of texts in the areas of economics, information management and business decision-making. He has published extensively in business journals on management development, strategic customer service and quality measurement and presented papers at a variety of international conferences.
Mik has degrees from Loughborough University and Birmingham University in Economics and in Economic Planning and is an elected Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and an elected Fellow of the UK Operational Research Society. Mik is also Senior Research Fellow at Strathclyde Business School, Scotland specializing in strategic performance management

Femi, the CEO of Business Executives Academy is a performance measurement and strategic business advisory expert, with over 25 years of local and international senior management experience working in UK and Nigeria. He is passionate about improving the productivity of the Executives and Entrepreneurs to enable growth and profitability of their organisations. He has worked on several projects for UK based organisations, such as Tesco Bank, Simul8, Scottish Government, Local Government Authorities, and Student Loans Company (Online Panel project); operators; in the Information Technology, Telecommunication, Banking, Retail, Healthcare and the Public Sector. Femi also successfully led the financial re-engineering, operations restructuring and change management efforts of organisations in United Kingdom with positive feedbacks from all stakeholders. Femi also is a key resource person providing, new venture creation & capacity building training, financial advisory and mentorship to managers’ of organisations in United Kingdom using the experiential learning model.
In Nigeria Femi now, regularly conducts capacity building conferences and workshops for staff, management teams, executives and business owners. Previously Femi worked for several years for various organisations in the financial sector, in their corporate, commercial, retail, inspection, credit and marketing departments at senior management levels, managing several key clients across several sectors, availing him deep understanding of the Nigeria’s dynamic business terrain.
Femi has degrees in Banking and Finance, Business Analysis and Consulting from the University of Strathclyde Glasgow UK as well as an MBA. Femi is a UK Certified Business Analyst and Performance Management Consultant, as well as UK Certified Investment Administrator and Financial Advisory Expert. He is currently a researcher & PhD candidate at University of Strathclyde Business School Glasgow UK. He is also a Member of the Advanced Institute of Performance Management, UK, and an Associate, Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment UK and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria. Femi is passionate about improving the productivity of the business executives.

Workshop Packages

Payment Options

Option 1

Pounds Sterling (GBP) Domiciliary Payments

 Correspondent Bank Name: FBN Bank (UK) Limited (Swift Code: FBNIGB2L) Sort Code: 405204§

 Beneficiary Institution: First Bank Of Nigeria Plc, Lagos (Swift Code: FBNINGLA) Account No. 100396-GBP-CLBANK-01§

 Final Beneficiary: Business Executives Academy Nigeria Limited Account No: 2022697129§

Option 2

Pay Naira equivalent/ E-payment

 Name: Business Executives Academy Nigeria Limited Bank: First Bank of Nigeria Plc Account Number: 2021633294 Sort Code: 011152390§

To register

Complete attached registration form, scan and email back to us. Or Email us at , or quoting London SLM Programme August 2014.

Call us today - 07034085450, 07044982614, 08032012458, and 08022239313



Thank you

Business Executives Academy

…platform for experiential learning