How Security Guards At LASPOTECH Harass Female Students Over Dress code

Security guards at the Lagos State
Polytechnic, LASPOTECH, Ikorodu main
campus have come under serious scrutiny
following the way they perform their duties.
P.M.NEWS Campus Square findings
revealed that the guards harass students of
the institution unjustly in the guise of
enforcing the school's dress code.

Adebiyi Oreoluwa, a student who spoke with
our reporter over what she described as
"unnecessary harassment", complained
bitterly and called for urgent action by the
school's management before the students
fight back.

"Can you imagine a security guard telling a
female student that he is seeing her bra?
That is how bad the situation is. These
guys come to class and order female
students to stand up to check if they are
badly dressed.

"Where will such rubbish happen if not
LASPOTECH?" she queried.
Another student simply identified as Olaide
said: "last year, when we were having our
first semester exams, my classmate was
sent home from the school gate because
the guards felt her skirt was too short for
their liking despite our pleas.

"She only returned to the hall, about 45
minutes to the end of the paper."
Bukola, a National Diploma 2 student, told
our reporter that the situation is even better
now compared to what the female students
were made to face when the Islamic fasting
period was on.

"If you come here when they start their
fasting, you will pity us. These guys treat us
like secondary school students just because
they are trying to please the Rector who is
a diehard Muslim.

"Are they trying to force us all to wear
Hijab that is already causing trouble in the
state owned secondary schools?" she

Several aggrieved students also spoke on
their unpleasant experiences with the
security guards. For instance, Emeka
narrated his ugly encounter with the
security guards.

"This is a wake up call to the executives of
LASPOTECH SUG. The incessant
unnecessary harassment of students in the
guise of enforcing the school dress code by
the guards is becoming unbearable.

"I witnessed an ugly scene last semester
that got me into a serious confrontation
with the overbearing guards. I was coming
into the school one Sunday morning and
met them embarrassing an ND 1(Part Time)
student. They accused her of wearing a
reflective top which to me was very okay.

"I had to give her my T-shirt before they
allowed her into the school premises. Two
Sundays later, same ugly incident happened,
this time, my classmate was badly
embarrassed by the security guards to the
extent one of the security guards was
pointing to her breast and telling her that
he's seeing her bra. She wore an ankara
dress made up to her chest and the
remaining top was designed with lace
material which the guard insisted was
exposing her bra.

"This, to me, was unacceptable and a step
taken too far. They went too far to have
treated her that way. This got me angry and
I gave them a piece of my mind. After all
the noise, I had to give her my shirt again
to cover up for the day.

Emeka further narrated: "A week
afterwards, the worst happened. This time, I
had to make it rough and unacceptable for

"An ND2 student who was wearing a legis
trouser, and was supposed to write her
Sociology test that morning, was sent back
home in Ikotun by one of the guards
wearing the Green uniform (not longer with
the school security unit). Again, I was
opportune to witness the ugly harassment.

"I did all I could to cause commotion and
draw attention at the school gate and this
got me into trouble with Mr. Aina a.k.a.

Major, a security guard who demanded for
my ID card. I willingly gave it to him
knowing full well he would not do me
anything because all I did was to fight
against injustice.

"I reported the incident to my lecturers who
later took it up by assigning my
departmental president to go with me and
the lady in question to the Chief Security
Officer's office (CSO), to register our

"I was able to retrieve my ID the next
weekend after an instruction was given to
'Major' to release it to me. This is a wake-
up call to all executive members of the
student's representatives council to prove
to us they are truly representing us not
minding us being Par Time students.

"I understand they are doing all these
because of the Rector, but I expected them
to work with a clean mind unlike what they
are doing now."

Culled from PM News