Jada Pinkett-Smith Takes To Facebook To Offer Advice On How To Handle Divorce

Ever the Facebook enthusiast, Jada Pinkett Smith took to the social network late Wednesday night to offer some advice to a divorced friend — and all divorcés would do well to take note.

Check out her advice below:

Letter to a friend:

You are divorced. Your ex-husband is not being kind or considerate, but you can't harp on it because it steals the energy that should be given to your potential and power. At the end of the day, your survival is at risk, and you complaining about what he is not doing and what he should be doing does not change your circumstances. We have to use these circumstances to analyze what we need to do different, how do we need to strengthen, and how we need to be more. You are strong and capable, and now you have been put in a position where you must use your capabilities to change your circumstances without your ex's help or kindness.

In the ideal world, the circumstances in which you and your children are facing are unacceptable, but the most painful realization I have had about this life is that we are not entitled to anyone's kindness or consideration. THAT, is a painful truth.

Stay focused and keep it moving.

It's not the first time Smith has used Facebook to address relationship issues. Her Facebook status on how to handle heartbreak received nearly 20,000 likes, and a controversial post addressing her and husband Will Smith's reported open marriage generated nearly 300,000 likes and over 30,000 comments.

The couple married in 1997 and have two children together. Will Smith also has one son from a previous marriage.