Son Of Ex Police Boss Tafa Balogun Allegedly Beat Up Female Club Manager Over N18,500 Bill

Here is how my friend, Moji Delano is reporting it.

Yesterday, an anonymous MDB reader contacted me and narrated how her friend suffered great injustice in the hands of a young man who beat her friend blue black just for doing her job.

The perpetrator identified as Yomi Balogun interestingly happens to be son of former Police Inspector General Tafa Balogun renown for his corrupt ways during his tenure as Nigerian Police boss.

The victim Oyin is said to works as the PRO Manager of The Place night club off admiralty way, Lekki Phase1. When MDB contacted her, she confirmed the story, but opted not to comment much or send the bloodied pictures  for personal reasons.

Her friend however begged that her story be published, and other ladies be warned about this socialite, whose violent, woman beating reputation allegedly precedes him.

I have decided to write it as she narrarted Oyin's traumatic ordeal, just slightly edited. Read all after the cut:

Hear her:

"I was very shocked when Oyin called me and told me she was in the hospital early of Friday(8th of November) but not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what happened.
On getting to the hospital, Oyin narrated how this violent guy just descended on her for nothing. Even if she said anything to infuriate him, why would any grown, reasonable thinking man raise his hands against a woman for any reason? But of course, because of his dad, he walks and roams free on the street of Lagos after committing such a barbaric act. Before I get carried away, this is what she told me happened on that faithful day.

Oyin said the whole thing started on Tuesday last week when Yomi and his friends came to the club. Most times when he comes like that, based on recognition and the fact that she considered him a friend ( I think he was asking her out) she usually allows him to sign for his drinks (credit) and pay later.

According to her, all the waitresses run away from him and his friends whenever they are around because of their violent nature when its time to pay their bills. Funny thing is these guys have money to pay ooo so I don't understand what the fuss about paying bills. But  then, I guess they like to deal with a senior staff who will massage their egos and all that so Oyin most times attends to them personally. I've been there a couple of times myself and seen how nice and polite Oyin is when dealing with them.

Anyways, on Thursday last week, Oyin said he came to the club again and when he was about to leave the club, she asked for Tuesday's bill, everything totally totaling to N18,500. He then told her to follow her to his car which she did.

On getting to the car, Yomi said he was going to write her a cheque for the amount. Oyin at that point told him that 18k was too small an amount for her to go all the way to the bank for, particularly considering that he had paid heavier bills in cash in the past. This is what she said o, that infuriated him and got him so angry. She said she had never seen like that before. He then started using swear words and calling her names, and even telling her to "F**k off" if she couldn't take the cheque.

Of course Oyin is human now, she also got ticked off by his vulgar language. Oyin was like when she saw that he had taken it over board, she told him;"If 18k was your problem this night, I'd leave you and we would sort it later" she said, then turned back  to leave.

Before she could she say Jack Robinson, 'Mike Tyson' Yomi pulled her back violently. Before my friend could regain composure, he punched her in the mouth. Blood immediately started gushing out. The sad thing was, he didn't park right in front of the club, so security didn't immediately come to her rescue. Sebi on seeing the blood from Oyin's mouth, someone who had any human feelings would have left her alone? Mba o! It was then that he descended on the poor girl and sent her spiraling to the ground. She said she even hit her head on the floor. What if she has suffered internal bleeding? What if something very serious had happened to her enemy? That's how he will now be begging her parents or what? If not for the security who eventually came to her aid and others who held him, only God knows how the story that day would have ended...." Oyin's friend said as she ended her narration on the phone, lamenting bitterly.

Choosing to remain anonymous for security reasons, she also indicated that Yomi has since been apologizing to Oyin and sending various emissaries to the traumatized lady whom when we contacted confirmed the story and only managed to say in emotion laden voice " I have never been so embarrassed or humiliated by anyone in my entire life, it was like I was a thief he was dealing with", and then the line went dead. All efforts to call her back for further clarification on her friends account proved abortive as her phones have since been switched off.

Of course, ya'all know that I have a serious opinion about this Yomi guy, who sources in the know allege is in the habit of having violent altercations at clubs and beating women. I an 200% anti women battery, so I'm taking this one very personal.

So now, uncle Yomi, because your dad is the ex, police boss, that gives you the right to beat women at will?

For you to violently turn  someone who I hear calls you 'friend' into a punching bag in public shows that beating women is your MO, and only God knows what you do to your girlfriend. And please, don't even try sending your goons to come contradict this story, I have it beyond reasonable doubt that you indeed beat Oyin blue black, and would probably have done her more grievous bodily harm if people hadn't held you back, or intervened. You really should be investigated, or at least picked up by the police for what you did. But oops! I forgot, your dad is the ex inspector general of Police.

I really do wish Oyin said more on her encounter or sent in the bloodied pictures of her bleeding mouth so the world sees how much harm you caused the poor girl who was only doing her job.

But then, as she opted to keep things low, I'd end by saying: change your ways before its too late. You're just in your late 20's or early 30's, and woman battering is the last thing that makes you man.
A word they say is enough for the wise...that is if you are wise.