Hi y'all, Happy Sunday to you my esteemed blog readers, I had been contemplating for quite some time now on when I should get a domain name for my blog.
After several delays and procrastination, I finally bought a domain name for JimCaddy's Blog.
This is all in the process of making my site world class.
Henceforth my site's URL will be http://www.jimcaddy.com rather than http://www.jimcaddy.blogspot.com.
Though the latter would will go through for a period of 60 days before it seizes to be null and void.
Thanks for your support, your comments, your encouragement.
JimCaddy's Blog will only continue to grow from strength to strength.
Hi y'all, Happy Sunday to you my esteemed blog readers, I had been contemplating for quite some time now on when I should get a domain name for my blog.
After several delays and procrastination, I finally bought a domain name for JimCaddy's Blog.
This is all in the process of making my site world class.
Henceforth my site's URL will be http://www.jimcaddy.com rather than http://www.jimcaddy.blogspot.com.
Though the latter would will go through for a period of 60 days before it seizes to be null and void.
Thanks for your support, your comments, your encouragement.
JimCaddy's Blog will only continue to grow from strength to strength.