I Almost Walked Away...Toke (@tokstarr) Makinwa

 Toke was overwhelmed by a fan mail this morning and decided to share her secret ..She says her rise to the top was achieved only through the help of God. Permit me to say here that I think Toke really deserves the success she has now. It's not easy, but God has indeed blessed her, and I tap into that blessing.
This made my heart smile so much. Who am I that you are mindful of me Lord????? See, I get loads of emails each day and I never ever take these things for granted. The truth is people ask me how I did it, how I'm I doing it and my response is same. God is working. I almost gave up, I almost walked away but I remember the first word I heard at the beginning of the year my life changed, God told me "You will hold your peace and I will fight for you" when he fights he never loses, when he says YES, no one can say no and so far I've learnt that it is those things we are ashamed of the most God takes and uses it to lift us up. Our mistakes become messages and our lives are transformed beyond words. For everyone who ever feels like giving up, you are closer than you think. Keep your head up, keep your eyes fixed on God. Happy Monday
Read the mail below