"Bianca Has Chosen To Repay My Good With Evil" – Fani Kayode

FFK wrote another piece titled 'An Ode to Jezebel' to Bianca Ojukwu.


The Holy Bible says, ''who is he that sayeth a thing and it cometh to pass when the Lord God of Hosts has commanded it not?''. It says, ''who can lay a charge before God's elect? It is Christ that justifies''. It says ''who can separate us from the love of the Lord'' and that ''in all these things we are more than conquerors''. It says, ''the Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom shall I be afraid? When evildoers assail me uttering slanders against me, my adversaries and foes, they shall stumble and fall''. My God is awesome. He that is known as the Ancient of Days never sleeps and never fails. The battle belongs to Him.

Sit back and watch this show unfold for it was ordained before the oracles of time and there is a hidden and divine purpose for it. I never wanted it to be like this. I never asked for a fight and I did all I could to avoid it. I may have been indiscreet in my attempt to make a simple point but I am not a liar and neither will anyone brand me as one just to please their oriental constituency. I was taught to always avoid rancour, discord, war and conflict and to always seek the path of peace, especially when dealing with ladies. But when war is forced upon me and my integritry is put at stake we I will fight with everything that I have got to protect it and to defend myself. This is because truth is like a pearl that must never be allowed to be buried or shattered and I am a servant of truth.

By the time all this is over we will know who the liar is and whose God rules in the affairs of men. Meanwhile the one that is encouraging my adversary to take this ugly road to perdition and that is using her to try and discredit and silence me has only two more years on the throne. In 2015 he will be voted out and a new order will be established in Nigeria. This, by the grace and power of the God whose I am and the God whom I serve, shall surely come to pass.

In the meantime use all the power and influence that you have and use all your Presidential connnections and Jezebellian wiles. These are nothing before the Living God and the Lord shall meet you there. You have woken up a lion that never backs down and that has never lost a war- He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and He is with me. Unless I have told a lie about what transpired between us in the distant past, may God cause you and those that are encouraging you on this destructive course, to suffer the consequences of your lies and sheer wickedness. This because you have chosen to repay my good with evil.