Zambian Politician Arraigned For Calling President "Potato"

An opposition politician in Zambia has been arrested and charged with defamation after he compared the president to a potato.

Frank Bwalya allegedly described President Michael Sata as "chumbu mushololwa" on radio on Monday.

The Bemba language phrase refers to a sweet potato that breaks when it is bent and is used to describe someone who does not listen to advice.

Mr Bwalya faces a maximum jail term of five years if he is convicted.

He is a former pastor and supporter of Mr Sata. He now heads the opposition Alliance for a Better Zambia (ABZ) party.

Deputy Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo said Mr Bwalya had been arrested for making defamatory remarks against Mr Sata, state-run media reports.

*So all of una wey dey yab Uncle Jona, be careful oooo*