Women Throws Mango At Venezuelan President And Gets A Home In Return

A woman who bashed President Nicolas Maduro on the head with a mango has been promised a new house for her troubles in a surreal tropical tale that has gone viral in Venezuela.

The 52 - year old president was driving a bus through a crowd last weekend in the central state of Aragua when someone in the crowd tossed the fruit at him .

"It says: ' If you can, call me ' ," the former bus driver said later during the week, as he displayed the fruit with a name and phone number scrawled on it on television.

"Marleny Olivo had a problem with her house. (Officials ) called her . She was scared . She couldn ' t believe it was true. … I ' ve approved an apartment for you , Marleny , as part of the ' Grand Venezuelan Housing Mission ' , " he added, vowing to eat the mango.

Venezuela' s ever ebullient cybersphere did not miss a beat, with the president ' s populist gesture drawing admiration and derision , plus plenty of jokes.

"If for a mango they give you apartments, then you know what to do: throw him a pineapple !" quipped Dolar Today , a website that quotes the black market for dollars and is hated by Maduro .

Like his predecessor Hugo Chavez , who died in 2013 , Maduro collects heaps of petitions during trips, although most are scribbled on paper rather than hurled at him on fruit.

In a habit that delights many poor supporters but irritates critics, Maduro – like Chavez – often personally gives away homes , appliances or pensions to low- income Venezuelans .

However, lacking Chavez ' s charm and good fortune with high oil prices , Maduro ' s popularity has plummeted since he took office .

Roughly 28 . 2 per cent of Venezuelans approved of his management of the country in April , according to pollster Datanalisis. That was up from March' s 24 .7 percent , likely due to his campaign against U .S . sanctions on seven government officials , but still nearly half the level when he became president .

The survey also said 45 .8 percent plan to vote for opposition candidates in this year' s parliamentary election , while only 25 percent support the ruling Socialists .

Shortages of food and medicine caused by strict currency controls have taken a heavy toll, particularly the poor, who traditionally have supported "Chavismo ."

"A mango shortage is coming, let ' s line up to throw them at Maduro and get a new house !" one Twitter user joked.