Asari Dokubo Slams Former President Olusegun Obasanjo In Reply To The Letter To President Jonathan (Part 2)

I wish to emphasize here that anyone who calls himself a leader and uses such unconventional weapon such as "a woman" to execute his personal interests against perceived enemies, isn't only devious but diabolically nauseating. Being immune to fear and having a huge capacity for faith in Allah , I told him that my life is controlled by Allah and not by the vicious plundering of wicked mortals like you.

On this I wish to digress a little to reinstate that am not just religious but also a very spiritual person. I've had mysterious spiritual encounters that threats from the likes of you are nothing but the ranting of a novice. I operate more in the spiritual realm than in the physical- I believe that Allah will not forsake me when minions like you, come up to attack or afflict me. Allah will raise up a standard against them. On my perceived spiritual fortification, Steve David told me he wasn't surprised because the day he came to my camp, he saw my prayer mat and wondered how I could be the only Muslim among hundreds of gun-wielding non-Muslim, whose mental state wasn't certifiable. And I told him it is not being a Muslim or frontline believer in Islam that mattered but the gravity of my personal relationship with my maker, who has always recued me in time of danger, dire difficulties, vicious conspiracies and violent tribulations.

There is need at this time to outline one murderous move you made on my life that shows how brutal and inhuman your mindset is – vindicating your daughter's revelations. I want to remind you of the startling move you made on my life during the momentous days, leading to the historic Isaac Boro celebration on the 16th of May 2005. At that time the Bayelsa state Government was under Chief D.S.P. Alamieseigha.

Chief DSP Alamieseigha had warned that the 1million man march the NDPVF was organizing to protest the injustice of the Nigerian state against the Ijaws and other oil bearing nation should not hold and would not be allow into Bayelsa state because of a security report that emanated from you that I didn't know at the time. The report or plot to truncate the march was grave and dangerous, as the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State Chief D.S.P. Alamieseigha, told me the Bayelsa State Government couldn't guarantee our security – my security.
In the background of this starling murderous plot by you and feigning his lack of protective security shield occasioned by you, I was also shocked by the grave support that the Rivers State government offered us because it was happy that I was leaving Rivers state to Bayelsa state, and gave several vehicles to support our protests march.

The response we had from our people was startling and unprecedented, as huge crowds came, and well over 3000 vehicles, were hired from neighboring states of Abia,Imo,Delta, Anambra, Enugu and Edo state to convey participants to the Bayelsa state capital of Yenagoa.

On the appointed day, men of the Nigerian Military stopped us at Elele and refused to allow us free passage to Yenegoa. The Governor, Chief D.S.P. Alamieseigha was away in South Africa at the time. Goodluck Jonathan was then the acting Governor of Bayelsa state, and asked us not to come into Bayelsa state of course we brushed off all obstacles whether real or imagined that were mounted not to let us into Yenagoa. Many other participants in the proposed rally were also blocked at the Ahoada junction. We were surprised that the rally was being frustrated by the people, governments and institutions that ought to benefit from it.

Finally, after much persuasion we decided to converge at Obuama- my hometown. We stayed there till the next day, 17th of May, 2005, and dispersed without achieving our noble objective which was to sensitize our people, on the evils of the heart-wrenching Nigerian state that you've always pontificated in the media as your life creation and alter-ego.

When Chief D.S.P. Alamieseigha returned from his trip to South Africa, I made an appointment to see him through his Commissioner of Information, who was also a former Comrade – Barr Oronto Douglas – and met him at his private residence at William Jumbo Street, Portharcourt. In the course of our discussion, I accused Chief DSP Alamieseigha pointedly – in my usual bluntness and characteristic manner - for sacrificing Ijaw interests for his political gains and deceiving the people of the Niger delta that the Nigerian state will accommodate our Interests.

Chief D.S.P. Alamieseigha then informed me that you – General Olusegun Obasanjo, sent 5 snipers to kill me in Yenegoa and that he -Chief D.S.P Alamieseigha accommodated them at the government house in yenegoa. That he traveled out of the state and directed the Bayelsa State government not to allow me into Yenegoa to avoid my being killed in Yenegoa by your snipers - as he didn't know if you had sent other snipers into the state.

It downed on me, why Dr. Peter Odili, gave us all the resources we sought– it was to push me into a den of your snipers – because he offered us assistance even when we are not the best of friends, providing all the resources we needed to convey us out of town.

I've decided to relate this incidence because of your reference to snipers while writing your hypocritical letter to President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan.

I wonder why you, the Chief Assassin of all times, would accuse President Goodluck Jonathan of training 1000 snipers and having a watch-list of political opponents when he has tolerated your insane excesses along with your mutinous gang which no head of government the world over would have so tolerated forgetting so soon that this was the same infamous journey you embarked on during the regime of General Sanni Abacha that nearly cost you your life.

Until date, the mystery surrounding the death of your kinsman and former Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Late Bola Ige's death has not been unravelled. So also is that of my kinsmen AK Dikibo and Chief Marshall Harry. At the time they were felled, AK Dikibo was national vice chairman (south-south) of the PDP while Chief Marshall Harry was former national vice chairman (south south) of the PDP and also the national vice chairman (south-south) of the ANPP, as president of the Federal republic of Nigeria you were the national leader of the PDP. At that time, many public analysts described the PDP as a nest of killers. Governor Orji Uzor Kalu of Abia state, clearly stated that your hands may not be clean regarding the brutal killing of the then Vice Chairman of South-South Zone of the PDP – A.K. Dikibo.


On this part I've resolved to dwell more on what I have said before – your veiled reference that President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan, is listening to his kinsmen - since I've chosen to ignore other parts of your letter.

I would start by saying that President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan is an Ijaw man. There is no way you can remove that truism from him. It's just as you are a Yoruba man - although that has some element of doubt. There is no way you can divulge a man of his roots – his clan, people and culture- to do that is to kill the man. My interest here is to state that you are more clannish than any other leader that has been conscripted to rule this backward enclave called Nigeria – no gainsaying the fact you're the most clannish of them all.
As President of this sickening country that's full of inequities, you were the Balogun of Owu – a tiny section of Egbaland. As Balogun of Owu, which means, Commander of Owu Armed forces, you were also Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the Nigerian state. How will a commander command two forces at the same time and be loyal to both- no one can serve two masters. There lies your infamous dubiety.

Secondly, and this is most annoying - you funded and midwifed the Yoruba Elders Council and armed it against the already existing Afenifere, in the battle for the control of the soul of the Yoruba people. Like an Octopus your clannishness is boundless, extending its vicious and overbearing frontiers to the level of your personal interests, untamable greed and forbidden frontiers – all these, while you were President of Nigeria.

Name one Nigerian leader that wasn't known for his clannish, ethnic and tribal interests.

How has Nigeria fared since independence if not on the tuft of steely ethnic considerations?

How do you expect President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan to be divulged of this, after you led many others in the display of ethnic and tribal purges?

Chief Obafemi Awolowo – one of the ' founders' of the Nigerian state was primarily, a super-founder and member of the Yoruba Social -cultural organization Omo Egbe Oduduwa. There was no time Chief Obafemi Awolowo, believed in a country like Nigeria – he defined it in his book, "as merely a geographical expression."
Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Gambari Prince of the North and the leader of the Northern Peoples' Congress said this "The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the north as willing tools and the south as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us and never allow them to have control over their future." – Parrot Newspaper October 12, 1960.He was always at logger-head with other 'nationalists 'from the contraption and had no ambition to rule such an entity– this was so because Nigeria didn't really matter to him; what mattered was the Othmaniyyah Caliphate . To demonstrate this, he brought his political stooge- Alhaji Tafawa Balewa to be Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, an equation which marked the beginning of Godfatherism in Nigerian politics that you are well known for today.

As leader of the Northern Union Progressive Elements, NEPU, Mallam Aminu Kano later sought a progressive path that would have cured northern redundancy and developmental ineptitude even then how many non-northerners were members of NEPU?
Aminu Kano's progressive inclination was only progressive as it relates to his conception of northern Nigeria and has no inclination towards pursuing a progressive ideology that includes ijaws, Yorubas, tivs, igbos, etc.

Joseph Tarka followed suit and named his political voice, Meddle Belt Congress- MBC – concerned primarily with the affairs of the middle-belt that the oligarchic North believed were slave-port to fight her battles, and launder her parochial interests.
Our daddy in the politics of the time– Chief Harold Dappa Biriye, upon realizing the truism of Nigeria's facile, clannish political thrust and boring leverage– founded the Niger Delta Congress, that was repulsed in the East for clamouring for the freedom of the Rivers Ijaw people.

it was only DR. Nnamdi Azikiwe's NCNC that had a pretention to national universality, even then, your Yoruba brothers fought the NCNC to a standstill and ousted her from controlling the western region.

This is why I cannot be fooled by your recent mantra in your letter that President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan must rise above Ijaw beliefs or ethnic consideration as if President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan fell from the sky– this is even as President Goodluck Jonathan has not done anything tangible for the Ijaw nation as is expected and as he should have done. The few Ijaw ministers still remaining in President Goodluck Jonathan's administration were initially appointed into government by President Umar Yar Adua they are Deizani Allison-Madueke and Godsday Orubebe.

your record of impunity and Hitlerian tendencies were fully brought into play when you descended on fellow citizens placed under your care and protection by the constitution on which you took the oath of allegiance to protect; the people of Odi and Zakibiam are not different from the people of Damaturu, Maiduguiri or Bama. This Boko Haram scourge started under your watch and encouragement in 2002.You incubated it, so as to use as a vicious war head against succeeding governments, which was why you knew the homes of their leaders and embarked on a tragic journey to visit them. What was the outcome of this infamous journey?

as stated above, no Nigerian leader has been influenced to take any decision or advanced policy without primordial ethnic consideration? Why did IBB annul the June 12 election, adjudged to be the freest and fairest in Nigeria's history? Was it not because he served the interests of the Gambari? Why have you singled out Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan to be sacrificed on the altar of ethnicity, sectional and bloody intrigues, designed to incite Nigerians against the Ijaws and his government? Is it because Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan is an Ijaw man or as you once described him - as a weak minority leader of Nigeria whose aspiration must be limited because he is an Ijaw man.

What often creates violence, especially in Africa is when unguarded utterances are made by well connected ethnic chauvinists that provoke untenable ethnic bickering, bad blood and insinuation of violence, amongst hitherto friendly people in a multi-plural state. I find your warning that PresidentGoodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan maybe the last Ijaw to rule Nigeria a little childish. I believe you think the Ijaws are far too small, too few and deeply insignificant to assert any ambition to rule Nigeria. The dream of Ijaws is not to rule Nigeria but to rule a country that is theirs – a truly great and free country that believes in the dignity of labour and the virtues of good leadership. If Ijaws won't rule Nigeria then they must seek their own country, in line with universal principles of self- determination and rule ourselves because Ijaws won't succumb to be made slaves- Never!

Therefore there is no gainsaying that Nigeria is a pseudo-nation of powerful ethnic, clannish and parochial interests, as shown by the gust of bitterness and ill feelings with which the North – Which you have joined to fight Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan- awfully demonstrated when it resisted, fought and nearly frustrated His presidency.
I have met countless Heads of State, right from the days of military President Ibrahim Banbangida to you. I want you to know that none has the vaulting impudence and self-centeredness that you openly command. None is so ethnically flawed as you. Because as President you created billionaires from area boys, simply because they are your kit and kin, and made them the darlings of forbe's list of billionaires – all from the stolen wealth of the Niger delta that you so artfully connered for eight years, as President and Minister of Petroleum. You attempted to pipe Niger delta oil and gas to Olokola, and create an LNG plant there. What influenced you in the siting of the LNG in Olokola if not ethnic and tribal considerations?

In a chat with Late President Ya'r adua's special adviser on economic matters, Dr Tanimu Turaki, he told me your Olokola dream will not see the light of day, as it is an avenue to divert Niger Delta resources to the West – conceived and hatched under your control. What I find very intriguing however is your voodoo hypocrisy that you've always resisted sectional interests, etc. How many Ijaws has President Goodluck Jonathan empowered the way you empowered, stole and transferred the resources of the Niger delta to your Yoruba folks?

Finally, your evil plot to put me away before the 2015 general election failed in the Republic of Benin. insha Allahu I will be around to carry out the duties the almighty has assigned to me.

There is hardly any speech that you make nowadays without painting a vindictive and devious picture of my humble profile. A curious fact is the spate at which others- even former heads of states have joined you, in your point-blank black-mail of my person, and vexatious insinuations that I am capable of misleading President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. I find this very nauseating, traducing and embarrassing.