Asari Dokubo Slams Former President Olusegun Obasanjo In Reply To The Letter To President Jonathan (Part 1)


Ordinarily, I would not want to dignify you with a reply to your ill-conceived letter, as that has a way of oiling your elbow or prop your self-importance - provoking your well-known self-will. I have also delayed my reply for one reason - to perfectly gauge public opinion on your latest onslaught against President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan – President of a country full of mind-boggling contradictions that you've always, falsely regarded as your personal creation.

At least that's the spirit behind your insolence, impudence and make-believe that point to the fact that you're above national censure, ideological / ethical direction and control. Finally, I have had to reply you because of the nature of my past encounters with you – encounters that I feel should convey my deepest sense of grief, as it relates to your recent gaffes, shocking errors and dwindling self-esteem.

It is a common knowledge that if not for the imperious nature of Nigeria and the monumental fraud that attended its creation, caused primarily by the 1914 Lugadian error, it would've been very difficult for the likes of you to stand before me, talk less address me as a leader. This is so as my royal pedigree, as an Amachree and as an Omubo with dignified accoutrements would've denied you such leverage. In comparison to your nebulous background, I doubt what your shadowy pedigree is, what you've always avoided in all your discourses, and which you've deliberately shrouded in obscurity. Because if indeed your pedigree is anything significant in the Owu quarter of Egbaland, many like me would've long known it, or deduced it from your puffy, inestimable swan-songs that reinstate your pride and vaulting ego.

Nobody has ever attested or verified the history of your background. The background of a man is important because it is what depicts his social standing and sense of history. Many even doubt if you are a true Yoruba man. With such strings of doubtful pedigree attached to your person and with a history of dreadful perversities that is attached to your memory – this is as your characteristic way of life- defeats customary belief, ground norms and persuasions.

I wish to state that but for history and posterity, my grandmother Princess Okukuba W.D.Goodhead scion of the great King Amachree, royal lineage of the Kalabari state, in the Ijaw heartland, taught me the need to clear all false accusation or charges that are designed to malign and mislead others, whenever they are hatched by depraved trouble-makers like you. Connected to this is the need not to allow any cowardly abuse or insult to go unanswered, especially when mischievously made by the lowest of the lowest amongst rascal folks, to whose rank you belong.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that you once led this country.

I find this very enlightening that you seem to provide the true reason why this false entity called Nigeria; have had unending, mysterious and tragic incidences ever since you were thrown up to direct the affairs of this geographical area called Nigeria- striving vigorously to dictate her down-ward push, down the edge of a vaulting, irredeemable precipice. Your negative influence over Nigeria seems to define and redefine this fraud-state called Nigeria that has since her creation, done more harm than good to those entrapped in it.

In other to educate you on my background, I am Mujahid Dokubo-Asari; was born Melford Dokubo Goodhead( Jnr) to an aristocratic family in Kalabari. I am the son of my father, Hon Justice Melford Dokubo Goodhead (Snr) a descendant of a long line of jurists, inventors, scholars, statesmen and successful business men. Because of my outstanding background and seeming feat of personal success, I've repeatedly shunned the toga of false, foreign and dubious praise-singers that you crave in your bid to get every attention from all quarters. I don't seek to be venerated by men or pursue inordinate hero-worship from perceived lackeys - what you've lived for and pursue with zeal. Therefore I remain who I am - Mujahid Dokubo-Asari, Alabo Edi Abali of Kalabari - a great scion of the King Amachree dynasty.

The Kalabari kingdom to which I belong, is rooted in the heart of the Ijaw nation and has been known for her sound ideals, strong mercantilism and sovereign links to the civilized nations since the 15th century, before it was stealthily and falsely brought under the present Nigerian contraption, by unenlightened British imperialist that the likes of you have officiously revered and worshipped being forebears of your programme of mass impoverishment, economic emasculations, genocide, and utter destruction of other nations with superior idealism and sound socio-political systems.

Despite the long history of deprivation, oppression and genocide that the Nigerian state has meted on the Isokos, Orons, Ibibios, Ogonis, South-South Ibos, and the Ijaw nation, just as you personally pursued a deliberate programme of mass impoverishment and total emasculation of these nations in all your brutal regimes- and the endangering of the aspirations and dream for their freedom, equality and development. I've never denied being an Ijaw man. This has been my way of life from the start and I will remain an Ijaw man till I die. I have had cause to assert this fact before you while you belatedly exhibited gross intolerance, denigration of the values of others, with unveiled tribal tendencies.

My first encounter with you on this flank occurred on Friday June 11th 1999, when you had just assumed then, leadership of one of Nigeria's most regretful administration- being a beneficiary of a long war against military dictatorship, it is expected that you would run a people oriented and all inclusive government, instead you ran a Nazi style regime that perfected the art of ethnic cleansing and total disdain for the due process of the law.

On that faithful day – 11th June, 1999, I was one of the few Ijaw spokesmen that addressed you at the River State Government Executive Council Hall, where you came to troubleshoot on the conflict between the Ijaws and our Itsekiri brothers in Delta State; conflicts that were inflicted on our people by centripetal forces unleashed by the Nigerian state, and designed to upturn the fight for our freedom, unity and self-worth.

Your public rating then, was at its lowest ebb, as your acceptability across Nigeria, was in doubt. The structure of the Nigerian state was shaky, troubled and disgorged. Determined to translate your diabolic promises into action you moved against all forms of dissent maniacally.

And also because you were largely known as a foxy, brutal and vindictive soldier that had been hated in the past for gross abuses that all knew would reoccur even though you now wore a civilian look, having not won a single state in the South-West, dominated by the AD, at the presidential elections that you were said to have won, but which were rigged by your ilk; in which you did not win majority vote in your polling booth in Abeokuta.

Nigerians understood your antics when you said your re-election in 2003 would be a "do or die" miasma.

Your policy of mass killing of perceived opponents, in which high profiled leaders died on the streets, is part of your personal history.

If you recall the events of that day, Friday 11th June,1999, I didn't stand up to honour the Nigerian National anthem when it was sung. Neither did I address you as "President" when I took the microphone to speak on behalf of my people. I never conceded to your leadership nor the status of this evil entity called Nigeria.

In the presence of your forces of repression and cruelty– police, state security officials and the military, I addressed you as an Owu man and you accepted it without hesitation. Was Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan the President of the Nigerian State at the time? Your confession at the time – which is the mind-set of all Nigerians, is that you are first and foremost an Owu man before a Nigerian.

I met you few months later at the Aso Rock Presidential Villa, as a member of a delegation of South-South elders where you exhibited your clannish fancies and preferences. As a frontline cultural ambassador of my people, and extremely proud of the ijaw culture, I tied a George wrapper as it is customary, and attended the meeting without shoes. The result was that you tongue-lashed and sought to persecute me. As soon as you saw me in the side-lines of the meeting, you asked disdainfully; "I hope you're not an Egbesu Priest?" And I replied you; "I am not; I am a Muslim." Later, not satisfied by your attack on me, and at the close session, you asked how I became a Moslem and I told you I was a Baptist before my reversion. And you replied; 'You are a Moslem now, I said yes, I am." And you retorted with a smack of officious persecution, diatribe and hypocrisy and said; "I am sorry, for you are lost."

And I replied, saying; "you're the one that is lost." How then can you say in your letter to President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan that you've always believed in the unity of Nigeria that he shouldn't see Nigeria as a North-South or Moslem-Christian dichotomy?

On another occasion, just before the heavily flawed 2003 election, you sought to muzzle me into the bandwagon of anti-people disciples, and I rejected your cruel and mischievous conspiracy. A delegation of South-South leaders led by Chief EK Clark came to see you. I was once again among the delegation as President of Ijaw Youth Council.

In the course of the meeting, I made suggestion as to how the NDDC - that you stifled with lack of funding - can be effective. My suggestion at that time was that a department for Women and Youth should be created in the NDDC so that the body will be broad based and people -oriented. You accepted my submission and immediately offered that I should become the first Director of the department and I promptly turned it down, and insisted that being the President of the Ijaw Youth Council , my position was better than your villainous offer and you were shocked and displeased. Some elders tried to persuade me to accept your offer and I told them it will be a betrayal of Ijaw youths who elected me as their President to come to you under the title of Ijaw Youth Council President and then sweep that aside to pursue a personal agenda.

I never saw you again until 30th September,2004, when you flew me with a Private Jet to Abuja, to make peace between me and your infamous federal government because the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force (NDPVF), in which I was a 'volunteer' had successfully disrupted and brought oil production to an all-time low after series of successful confrontation with the Nigerian Military, the Police, State Security Service officials, etc. After several days of meeting with you, and because the NDPVF – for the first time in the history of Nigeria aided the cancellation of the October 1st,Independence celebration, you gave a raucous state address which was centred around the activities of the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force. At that time President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan represented Bayelsa state, as Deputy Governor, he was not President.

If you recall, I continually described the Ijaws as a nation – I did engraft this depiction into your psyche at that time - and you accepted to call Ijaw, Ijaw Nation.

At the end of the meeting, you told Engineer Funso Kpokulokun – your GMD, NNPC - to take care of my needs, which I said wasn't necessary - which was once again a tactical bribe offered by you to vitiate my good intentions towards my people. Later, we agreed that the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force should disarm, and we completely disarmed and submitted 2, 335 riffles, over 1 million ammunitions, and other explosive materials to your government through the Nigerian military and state security service at Zamani Lekwot Cantonment, Bori Camp, Port Harcourt.

While I was in Mecca, on hajj-after 8 days in Saudi, Col Kayode Are, DG State Security Service, called me and asked me to quickly return to Nigeria; this was conceived to be very urgent and highly important. When I returned and landed at the Minna International Airport. I called Col Are and he directed the airline operator to bring me to Abuja. on arrival at Abuja, several vehicles were waiting for me at the Airport. I was driven straight to the State Security Guest House at Asokoro.

While the vehicles were waiting for me, I freshened and went to see Col Are and he told me that the President asked him to specially inform me that what I have been agitating for has been accepted by your government.

– that you've accepted our demands for the convocation of a National Conference. I asked Col Are whether it was a "Sovereign National Conference," He said; "no, it was a Political Reform Conference." And I told him that was not what my people wanted – the Ijaw and other oppressed people, who have been fraudulently conscripted into the Nigerian enterprise by the roguish British imperialist wanted nothing short of a Sovereign National Conference to determine their inclusion in the Nigerian state- I added that we can't partake in any conference that doesn't address the fundamental issues of sovereignty and the nationhood of various nations entrapped in the Nigerian State.

Col Are then continued to persuade me to see reason with you, being convinced of your intolerable sadism and bestial high-handedness - that if I opposed the conference in front of you, you will certainly be angry with me and perhaps do the improbable –maybe kill me the way you killed others and escaped without any sanction. That it is better for me to stoop to conquer than to put up any shade of opposition. As you are known not to tolerate your opponents or any form of opposition, and believes that you know it all- being utterly selfish, greedy and monstrously sly. I told Col Are that such hypocritical double-faced nature that was hinged in murderous threats, was at variance with the noble character of an Amachree.

This marked the beginning of my disagreement with you. This disagreement gathered momentum after I disarmed.

The next thing you did- while using Dr. Peter Odili, then Governor of the Bantustan of Rivers State, you pursued a policy of divide and rule by creating mutinous factions within the rank and file of the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force. Being gullible, many of our commanders gave in to your conspiratorial incitement. They came up to say that monies given for arms at the disarmament programme should be shared among them, when more than 80% of the monies weren't paid, and bulk of the money that was paid, had been given to those who supplied our arms.

Col Are became the personal friend of many of our commanders and did host and feasted with the likes of Richmond Yimbiri, Farah Dagogo, Olo Akalogbo and other volunteers of the NDPVF in Abuja. When the mutiny that you sought to provoke didn't work, you pettily enlisted your friend, Judith Asuni to attack me, and she threatened that if I don't become amenable to Government programmes, she will use the Press to bring me down, since according to her I am a creation of the Press. Lady Ann Kio Briggs then challenged her, and there was a big uproar. Judith Asuni thereafter became the mother of diverse cult groups and counter-struggle agents in Rivers state, creating systemic failure in the region and pursuing a dislocation of our local economy, crime-prone attacks and high profiled kidnappings became the order of the day. You as President clearly supported these pseudo-Niger Delta freedom and liberation groups that were secretly behind these anti-people indulgences - connecting them to the NDDC and NNPC through a special programme to empower them.

Another of your friend – a Jewish American security agent, Steve Davids, sensing your inveterate knack for bloodshed and subterfuge, warned me that you're preparing to kill me or put me in prison forever. That I should be very careful of women - the unconventional weapon you've chosen to annihilate me with.