Should Homosexuality Be Allowed To Thrive Or Disallowed Completely?

I actually culled this write-up from somewhere, because I found it really interesting and debatable.. Should homosexuality be allowed to thrive or disallowed completely?

Read the write-up below:

I grew up understanding a family to consist of a mother, father and children (and by extension, a group of people related by blood). And I understand a marriage to be the legal relationship between a man and a woman (husband and wife.

The society is now teaching me to accept a family to comprise of 2 parents of same sex as father and mother or 2 parents of different sex as father and mother.

Marriage can now be a union between 2 males or 2 females.

My question is: how can these 2 people of same sex procreate?

Did I hear someone say "they can adopt"?

Why adoption I ask again if homosexuality is meant to be innate?

Homosexuality cannot lay claim to its biological purpose. 2 homosexuals were given birth to by a woman who was impregnated by a man. The same way the kids they will adopt were produced by 2 straight parents.

If homosexuality were to be the norm in the society, how would the world's population have increased this much. Moreover, God didn't create 2 men; male and female he made them.

Sex, though pleasurable, is also for procreation. Sex between a man and a woman that is!

What happens to our family system if we continue to encourage homosexuality?

Research has shown that kids raised by homosexual parents encounter more problems than those raised by heterosexual parents.

There is also the health hazard. It has also been noted that there are more homosexual and bisexual men diagnosed with HIV in a community largely populated by heterosexuals.

Our kids have the right to a proper understanding of what homosexuality is. The fundamental difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality should be distinguished.

Homosexuality will kill the family system if not checked. This, I believe is what the government is doing by criminalizing homosexuality.

*So help me put mouth in this matter.. I don't want to discriminate against anyone*