I'm Worried!! My Husband Has 1001 Girlfriends Via Blackberry

The Blackberry device has come to stay in Nigeria. It is a handy tool used to communicate with anybody in any part of the world via the Blackberry Messenger service.
As effective as this device is, it however has it bad uses. Or maybe I should say people misuse it to the detriment of others.
Such is the case of this story I dug up somewhere. The story goes thus:

I am married to my best friend of 17 years (married 6 years now). He is 36 years old. He is a very nice man, apart from his lust for women and his Blackberry..... As far as I know right now, he doesn't have physical contact with any girl there.
But has 1001 of girlfriends in Nigeria via Blackberry. It started with his married ex-girlfriends sending him their naked pictures... Now it has switched to younger girls. I have their pictures in a safe place. I am tempted to post their pictures online... Maybe they will let him rest or he will let them rest. He thinks him being on BB doesn't affect our relationship, but it does.
He stays up all night chatting and hardly have time for sex.. His conversation with the girls is so raw.. But when I try to flirt with him at home and use the "D" word, "F" word or the "P" word, its war. WHAT CAN I DO???

**Well I hand this over to you guys, but personally I think the girl needs to quit that relationship, because its obvious the love is gone**