Nigeria Loses N3.76 Billion To Foreign Domain Names

Nigeria's website owners have lost 3.76 billion Naira as a result of poor domain name adoption.
Purchase of foreign names such as .com,, .org and .net has resulted in the loss of 3.76 billion Naira in the last five years.

According to news reports, the figure is expected to be more than double in another five years if the trend is not checked given the increasing level of internet awareness and usage in the country.

Mr. Ope Odunsa, Chief Operating Officer of Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA) confirmed the figure, adding that over 752 million Naira is paid annually by Nigerians to service the estimated 600,000 registered domain names in the country.

Adding that it costs N5,000 to purchase a domain name.
He expressed dissatisfaction with the development and urged the country's citizens, government agencies and corporate bodies to be proud of its .NG domain name.

Reports have it that most government officials have their electronic mail designated at foreign domains like Yahoo!, Google, etc.

"The Minister of Communications Technology, Mrs. Omobola Johnson, had recently confirmed that out of the 54,000 indigenous email accounts created for government officials in the federal ministries, departments and agencies, only four percent were in use," a statement said.

In a country of over 170 million people, only 26,000 domain names were registered with NiRA at the end of 2012.

***I have to comment on this, NiRA should find out if there are any cumbersome processes involved in the registration of indigenous domain names. Because Nigerians could be impatient when it comes to any bottlenecks.. It is very easy to register for a Yahoo! Mail or a Gmail address.. So the registration process should be made easy so as to encourage people to register and use indigenous domain names.***